The untold riches you could gain from winning an award
May 10, 2016
Benefits of using an awards writing service
December 1, 2016We are understandably cautious about which award and clients we take on, trading as we do on our great shortlisting and win statistics (currently running at above 90% for 2016) so when a client asked us to help them enter the same category for the third year in a row with the same project, we were hesitant, not least because they had won it for the two previous years – something which was completely unheard of in these awards.
Awards Writers is run on strong ethics, based on a belief that we will not waste a client’s time or money writing an entry we don’t think will make the shortlist, so we did not take on lightly the task of putting together an entry for the third year running.
Of course, we’re not mind-readers, nor do we have a direct line to the head judge of every awards panel in the country, but we occupy the role of critical friend, looking carefully and objectively at the story and results of our clients’ projects. That approach, plus our years of experience, allows us to form an opinion of whether there’s a good chance of meeting the criteria – after detailed discussions with the client, on this occasion, we thought there was.
And we were proved right. October was a fantastic month, with news that all entries we’d recently written in six different sets of awards had been shortlisted – including the one the client was entering for the third time.
It’s not quite the Olympic Triple like Usain Bolt achieved, but we were delighted with the judges’ endorsement that the client’s project was indeed worthy of being a finalist, and wait with baited breath to find out whether they will scoop the prize for the third year running later this month.